
Part 2: The mysterious vampire KIM HYUN JOONG

                   Part 2: by Sriz
As  you  you were  too thirsty, there was   a moment  when  you  couldn’t  resist  yourself  from drinking water.So, you requested  KHJ( you don’t know his  name yet) to search for water resources. What  a good luck you could hear  the sound  of  flowing river nearby. So, after walking few more steps, KHJ  kept you gradually on  a rock nearby the river and you tried to drink water but as your hands  were badly injured  earlier, you felt difficulty while carrying  the water on your  palms. Inspite of this, you  kept  trying to hold water  for three times but each time you were hurt,so you would immediately leave the water.Finally, you tried keeping your mouth directly on the river  but as  you approached nearer, KHJ dipped his hands on the river and he did let you drink water with his own hands. You drank the water in one  shot and again he did feed you water. During the drinking process , you kept staring non-stop towards his magnetic eyes.

After some time , you said, ‘’Now, my thirst has been eliminated. I feel so grateful to you. Kamshamnida once again”. But this guy i. e  KHJ still didn’t utter  a word.  You spoke to yourself,” What kind of guys is this? We have been together for this much time  but not  a single response yet; pretty strange’’. Then, KHJ carried you  back again in the same way like before and you both kept walking for several miles. After a while, you could see the van on which you had arrived with your friends on  a road nearby. You felt too delighted and said,’’ Please stop ; that’s the van on which I had arrived.” Then, KHJ kept you politely on the grass nearby  the van and you yelled your friends name and everyone came out of the van and   as you tried to look back for KHJ, he wasn’t there. You felt sad but your friends   asked you to explain about how  did you  lose  your way and so on. They  carried you to the van and you explained  everything to them except  how KHJ  saved you.

 Your friends also explained you how they searched you here and there and tried calling your iphone . They didn’t leave the place  because they thought to search you on daylight. You felt happy hearing this.You felt asleep  as soon as you stopped talking  and after several hours you reached home and  your friends explained everything to your family.

Your dad gave an urgent call to your family doctor and he  did arrive in couple of minutes and examined you and tied bandages at the wounds and advised you to have sufficient rest at least for  a week. As you were tired, you felt asleep and  kept doing bed rest for 5- 6 days .On the sixth night, you saw KHJ’s eyes in your dream and you woke up  suddenly and thought,’’ Why did  I see this guy on my dream today? Sigh! ‘’ You tried to sleep but couldn’t . That’s why you did watch TV but while watching you  felt asleep around 5 am and your mom knocked your room at around 8 am . So, you woke up  and had shower; then, got ready for college.
 As soon as you reached class, your classmates gave you an affable welcome . They had decorated the  classrooms with balloons and you could see welcome  note on the board. You felt elated and thanked your friends.Then one of your friend said, ‘’ As you have been absent for longer time, lets play   a game but what’s the punishment for loosing is that  the loser need to kiss the 1st person and propose him /her;( I mean the person can be a girl, boy, teacher, service man, guards or whoever ) who enters the   main gate  which leads to the class.” Everyone agreed and started playing  but  eventually you became the loser.You said,’’omg!!! It can’t be.’’But what to do, as you too  had agreed earlier to receive the punishment if you  would lose the game.

Everyone hided on the staircase  and your buddies pushed you alone towards the door of the maingate. Your heart started beating  faster and you got afraid about what would happen if the 1st person who would enter the gate would be your principal or any teachers. You  heard sound of shoes and felt delighted to see your junior  sis few steps  away  but suddenly she received a call and went back without entering the gate.  You said,’’Aww!!!! It would  have been eaiser if she  had entered here 1st.”  Again you heard the sound of shoes but this time you closed your eyes as  you heard the  sound approaching nearer and nearer.Then ,without looking the person’s face you hold  that person’s body and kissed that person on his/ her ( YOU WERE UNKNOWN) cheek  and said,’’I love you”. Then, you opened your eyes and you were completely astonished to see KHJ there.You felt as if nothing  existed besides you both at that moment. You didn’t know what to say.Then, all of your friends came  down  where they had hidden and started laughing and said,’’ Wohow!!!!!! You did it”. KHJ moved aside and went away. Everybody started saying, ‘’BTW, who is this guy?  We haven’t seen him before?; He is really hot!!!!!!!!!”

 To be continued: Sriz

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